
About Me

This picture says a lot about my life these days.  

Hi, my name is Tracy. :)

I was born in Singapore in 1981.  I enjoyed a fairly nomadic lifestyle while growing up, putting down roots in various cities that my father's job brought us to every few years - Hong Kong, Tokyo, Los Angeles...  I graduated from college in 1999, sold almost everything and moved to New York City.  I wanted to find a job that involved art.  I started working for a small advertising agency called SoloVision Productions, figuring I would learn studio lighting and a thing or two about television and film.  

Cut to the summer of 2010:  I returned to Singapore - this time with my husband, Steven, and our two daughters, Lily and Ruby.  We decided to take the plunge, sell almost all of our things and start a new adventure together in Southeast Asia.  

Traveling Light has since evolved into a place where I collect photos - my own, as well as articles about other artists, travel, food and family.  

Thanks for visiting my blog.  Enjoy!