
Friday, April 27, 2012


Ruby feeding the fish, one of our favorite pastimes!  Luckily, they are surprisingly easy to find.  It seems as though almost every apartment building in Singapore has one.  It's also easy to get your hands on some fish food - most offices or maintenance crews will happily give a few handfuls to kids to throw in.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I've been feeling inspired by the deluge of images that I receive on Pinterest everyday!  For those of you who haven't been on it, Pinterest is a virtual pin board that can help you to collect and organize things that you like.  For example, some people collect recipes that they'd like to try.  Once you come across something you like while browsing the web, you can "pin" the image of the dish on to one of your boards, and it automatically links to the website you found it on.  You can also "follow" other Pinterest users that you like, and see all of the things that they are collecting every day.

So one of the things that I've been collecting are images of tattoos - something that I always thought that I wanted.  The idea that I would never be able to start from a fresh, clean, blank slate again is probably the biggest reason why I haven't gotten inked.  Anyway, I came across this image of a tattoo on Pinterest the other day:

I loved the simple, yet mesmerizing wave pattern.  It inspired me to make a little drawing of my own to hang in the kids' room:

At least when I get tired of it, I can just put something else in the frame.  :)


The daring, young Ruby on the flying trapeze.

The girls have been taking a gymnastics class once a week since they were each old enough to join.  Most kids' gyms that we've seen have a baby class available for 18 month olds.  It usually involves a lot of free play, exploring various tunnels, large foam blocks, trampolines and balance beams.  The classes really helped Lily become more physically confident on the playground - she used to be so apprehensive about going down slides.  Ruby, on the other hand...  I have to tell her not to jump on the sofa or stand on the dining table and save the monkeying around for gymnastics!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Nutella Cheesecakes

Minus a few treats (ahem, Sunday brunch buffet and bowls of chocolate eggs!!) over the weekend, we have been eating healthily and exercising religiously.

Which is why this looked so good that I had to post it immediately.