
Friday, March 30, 2012


We bought Lily her first guitar!!   We spotted it in a small guitar store on Orchard Road.  It's purple, and it's even called the Lily Cloud - we HAD to buy it.  

So now I'm wondering if it's going to be something she'll stick to?  Could this be something she'll love to do for years to come?  I hope so!  

There were so many things I tried as a kid that didn't last long.  Piano lessons were fun for a little while, and my dad bought me a guitar in high school that ended up collecting dust.  A musical instrument is one of the things I really wish I'd mastered earlier...  But I also know I would've absolutely dreaded being forced to take more classes back then!

What did you do, are you doing, or are you planning on doing with your kids?  Should children be pushed a bit to master a skill, or left to dabble in whatever they like at the moment?  

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! I bet she loves it. She can do duets with Daddu! I think you expose, encourage and see what happens:-)
