
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

365 Project Changes

I've been terrible.

The 365 Project began losing steam after our trip to Bali - I made the decision to leave my laptop at home during the vacation, and all the catching up on posting photos built up from there.  The blogging became irregular and there were days, even weeks, where I'd forgotten all about it.

My loss, completely.  To be honest, posting one measly photo a day turned out to be much tougher than I'd imagined.  I still have this nagging feeling that I should really finish the things that I set out to do...  Must be the new year and all the talk of resolutions...  So I've come up with a compromise - I will continue the project, although the 365 days will no longer be consecutive.  I'll try my best to complete the project as close to a year as possible.

Wish me luck.

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