
Monday, December 26, 2011

Salted Brown Butter Crispy Treats

I've been wanting to make this twist on the old treats from Smitten Kitchen for a while, but our local supermarket hasn't had any Rice Krispies in stock!  Argh!!  I have been obsessed with sea salt on chocolate, and I have a feeling that this will be just as divine...

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Thursday, December 8, 2011



Kicking a few balls around the futsal court.


Check it out...  It's the grooviest taxi in Singapore!

Almost every cab available on the street is new, impeccably clean and sparsely decorated with the usual trinkets, air freshener or flower offerings on the dashboard.  

Every once in a blue moon, we jump into one that's been transformed into a truly fantastic ride.


Ahh...  The rainy season.  Things have been deliciously wet and (relatively) cool here in Singapore over the past few weeks.  The afternoon showers quench the steamy afternoon sun and usually last until the evening.  One question though - how do the rain and thunderstorms roll in every day at precisely 2:30pm?  Does this happen anywhere else?