
Monday, November 7, 2011


I took a break from the heavy SLR this week and had lots of Hipstamatic fun. :)

Let's see...  What have I been up to?  The heavy rain finally let up and gave us a bit of gorgeous blue sky and blazing hot sun, so we spent a lot of time outdoors.  The Singapore schools are on the longest break of the academic year, so it feels like summer vacation around here all over again!  Except that I'm thinking about what to do for Thanksgiving...  and Christmas...

Oh yeah, I got a new bike. :)  We also bought a rear-mounted child seat, so I can bring along a little one.  It's AMAZING!  Steven already had a bike with a kid seat - now we can all go riding together.  We've been biking to go out to breakfasts and dinners all week.  Bicycle shoot to come - I promise.

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