
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I think that the girls enjoy playgrounds much more lately - especially since Lily recently got over her irrational fear of going down slides.  She dared to walk up and down them (clearly a much riskier activity), but for some strange reason, she would balk at the suggestion that she should sit on her butt at the top of the slide and go down.  I have no idea how this fear developed - perhaps the brief lack of control one feels when sliding down was frightening to her - but it came to a point where she would sit and sulk if anyone suggested she try the slide.  Anyway (years and much parental confusion and concern later), I finally told her that we were not leaving until she held my hand and went down the double slide next to me five times.

One...  Rivers of tears.
Two...  Still tears.
Three...  Wet-faced silence.
Four...  Hey, this isn't so bad.
Five...  She lets go of my hand...wee!

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