
Friday, May 6, 2011


Have you ever had your fortune told?  I haven't done it in years.  My husband and I took a stroll through Chinatown tonight, ate fabulous Korean food, took this magical photo of the Hindu temple, played darts in an empty bar and giggled at the Austrian vendor who seemed out of place.  At least the fortune teller was Chinese!  He told us we'd never have to worry about money, and to eat healthily.  He said something about past lives, and some things about our future.  But then he was surprised to find out that we had been married to each other for years!  Even if it's all nonsense, it's still a really fun thing to do on a date night.


  1. I like this photo with the moon.
    You were in Chinatown and you guys chose to have Korean food? *hahaha*

  2. Yes, it's a real moon! I had to walk a little to get it positioned right next to the temple. We were pleasantly surprised with the Korean food, we hadn't had any since New York! Also more vegetarian options than we had expected. Yum.
