
Monday, November 11, 2013

Homebirth Portraits - Jenny Lewis

I am in love with this quietly beautiful photo project by Jenny Lewis who has captured the serenity of homebirth in these portraits of mothers and their one-day-old babies.  

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Littlest Judoka

 Ruby's first day at Judo training.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Century Old Color Photographs of Prokudin-Gorsky

This is a fascinating collection of color photographs by Russian photographer Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.  He started the project in 1909, and his mission was to document the vast and diverse Russian Empire.

The New Traveling Light

Hello strangers. :)

Welcome back!  The 365 Project became much more grueling than I had expected - the requirement of posting an image a day became a photography version of a Chinese water torture, so I stopped and took a long break.

I still do love photography, I still take pictures and I do enjoy blogging so I decided to come back and turn Traveling Light into something new.  From now on, this blog will be dedicated to photography - my own, as well as other artists' work and processes that I find particularly interesting.

Thanks for visiting my blog.  Enjoy!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


The girls and I have been playing Capoeira for almost six months now.  

Ruby doing a backflip over the exercise ball.
Lily playing in the roda.

We all have a grading coming up in November, wish us luck!!